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Tyler Minks
Teacher History
Wala Abbas Mohamed
Instructional Asst Exceptional Ed
Stephanie Molloy
Teacher Science
Kelly Moore
Teacher Mathematics
Farah Muhammad
Teacher Exceptional Ed
Ryan Mullins
Teacher Health and Physical Educ
Elise Ousset
Office Manager
Joan Ozolins
School Counselor Middle
Tamara Ozolins
Teacher Health and Physical Educ
Melinda Preston
Teacher Family and Consumer Science
Stephanie Prokopis
Teacher English
Tammy Ramsey
Account Clerk Senior
Suzanne Reid
Cafeteria Manager
Susan Rogers
Teacher Specific Learning Disability
Katherine Samsky
Teacher Health & PE
Lori Santagati
Instructional Asst Exceptional Ed
Felicia Schooley
Teacher Mathematics
Gregg Simone
Teacher History
Briana Smith
Teacher Family and Consumer Science
Pamela Smith
Clinic Attendant