Wondering what you will need for the upcoming school year? Find your grade below to see the list of what you'll need to be prepared for the first day and beyond.
Supply list for rising 6th grade
Supply list for rising 7th grade
Supply list for rising 8th grade
6th Grade Supply List
To use in all classes:
(1) Box of colored pencils
(4) Dry erase markers (low odor)
(1) Pack of Loose-leaf paper
(2) facial tissue boxes, large
(1) Pencil pouch
(1) Personal pencil sharpener
(20) Pencils
(4) Pens
(2) Folders for Day 1 and Day 2 work
(1) Highlighter
(1) Quart size Ziploc box of bags– Girls
(4) Glue Sticks- Boys
(1) backpack - locker size is 10 ½ x 12 inches; rolling backpacks do NOT fit in lockers.
(1) planner to record assignments or you can post them on a calendar on your computer
(1) Headphones that can be plugged into a computer. Students cannot use wireless headphones with school laptops and are not allowed to connect to their phones during instruction.
6th grade Content-Specific Supplies:
English: a 3-subject spiral notebook
Gifted Enrichment: composition book, a package of 3X5 index cards and 2 glue sticks
History: 3-ring binder (1 or 1½ inch) with 8 dividers
Math: 3-subject plastic cover spiral notebook, wide-ruled
Science: 3-ring binder (1 or 1½ inch) **Separate from the history binder
Exploratory Language and Culture Spanish: Composition Notebook
Bring these Items to Hawk Hill Camp or on the 1st day of school:
(2) facial tissue box, large
(4) dry erase markers (low odor)
(1) Ziplock box of bags
(12) pencils
(4) glue sticks
7th Grade Supply List
(1) Binder – large 3-ring binder
(5) Dividers with tabs
(2) Packs of looseleaf paper
(1) 2-Pocket folder (Science)
(2-3) Pens (any color)
(1) Box of colored pencils
(2) Boxes of tissues
(1) 3-Subject spiral notebook (Math)
(2) 1-Subject spiral notebook (English and Science)
(4) Dry erase markers
(1) Zippered pencil pouch
(2) Highlighters
(20) Pencils
(1) Headphones**
**Headphones that can be plugged into a computer. Students cannot use wireless headphones with school laptops and are not allowed to connect to their phones during instruction.
7th Grade Content Specific Supplies
Teen Living/ FACS III: (1) 2-Pocket folder
Spanish 1: Composition notebook
Theatre Arts: 1-Subject notebook
Strings: 1 in. binder with page protectors
Inventions and Innovations: 1 box of gallon Ziploc bags
Art 7 (semester): Sketchbook
8th Grade Supply List
(1) 3-Ring Large Binder (This can be shared with other classes.)
(6-8) Dividers with tabs
(1) Zippered pencil pouch
(2) Packs of Looseleaf paper
(1) Box of colored pencils
(2-3) Pens (Any color)
(2-3) Highlighters (different colors)
(1) Glue stick (English)
(1) Pack of Notecards on a ring with a cover (English)
(20) Pencils
(4) Dry Erase Markers
(1) Headphones**
**Headphones that can be plugged into a computer. Students cannot use wireless headphones with school laptops and are not allowed to connect to their phones during instruction.”
(2) Three-Subject Spiral Notebook (Math AND English) (No marbled composition notebooks)
(1) Two-Subject Spiral Notebook (Civics or World History)
(2) Boxes of Tissues (To be given to your Advisory teacher)
8th Grade Content Specific Supplies
Independent Living: Two-pocket folder
Theater Arts: One-Subject Spiral Notebook
Spanish 1: Composition notebook
Spanish 2: Composition notebook & 1-pack of 3” x 5” index cards