School Counseling

The goal for the Pocahontas Middle School School Counseling Department is to impart specific skills for academic, career and personal/social development for our students. As school counselors, we are proactive members of the educational team. We consult and collaborate with teachers, administrators, support staff and families to assist students in identifying the appropriate paths that will provide positive academic, social and career directions.

Through individual and group counseling, school counselors assist students not only in developing positive attitudes, but also in understanding the importance of educational choices, personal responsibility and respect for themselves and others. The Pocahontas Middle School School Counseling Department will be happy to meet with you and/or your child to discuss their progress or any concerns.

Counselors’ Caseloads (by grade level)

Ms. Ozolins – 6th Grade and School Counseling Director
Ms. Milby – 7th Grade
Ms. Fitzgerald – 8th Grade
Mrs. Edwards – Counseling registrar


  • We encourage appointments to make their registration process

  • Summer hours are 7 a.m.-5 p.m. and the school is closed Friday.

  • Immunizations: the Tdap booster and meningococcal vaccine is required for all rising seventh graders.

School Counseling Office: 804-364-0847
School Counseling fax: 804-364-0848